Source code for cytominer_database.ingest

A mechanism to ingest CSV files into a database.

In morphological profiling experiments, a CellProfiler pipeline is often run in parallel across multiple images and
produces a set of CSV files. For example, imaging a 384-well plate, with 9 sites per well, produces 384 * 9 images;
a CellProfiler process may be run on each image, resulting in a 384*9 output directories (each directory typically
contains one CSV file per compartment (e.g. Cells.csv, Cytoplasm.csv, Nuclei.csv) and one CSV file for per-image
measurements (e.g. Image.csv).

``cytominer_database.ingest.seed`` can be used to read all these CSV files into a database backend. SQLite is the
recommended engine, but ingest will likely also work with PostgreSQL and MySQL.

``cytominer_database.ingest.seed`` assumes a directory structure like shown below:

| plate_a/
|   set_1/
|       file_1.csv
|       file_2.csv
|       ...
|       file_n.csv
|   set_2/
|       file_1.csv
|       file_2.csv
|       ...
|       file_n.csv
|   ...
|   set_m/
|       file_1.csv
|       file_2.csv
|       ...
|       file_n.csv


    import cytominer_database.ingest

    cytominer_database.ingest.seed(source, target, config)

import os
import csv
import click
import warnings
import zlib

import pandas as pd
import backports.tempfile
import sqlalchemy.exc
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

import cytominer_database.utils

def __format__(name, header):
    if header in ["ImageNumber", "ObjectNumber"]:
        return header

    return "{}_{}".format(name, header)

[docs]def into(input, output, name, identifier, skip_table_prefix=False): """Ingest a CSV file into a table in a database. :param input: Input CSV file. :param output: Connection string for the database. :param name: Table in database into which the CSV file will be ingested :param identifier: Unique identifier for ``input``. :param skip_table_prefix: True if the prefix of the table name should be excluded from the names of columns. """ with backports.tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as directory: source = os.path.join(directory, os.path.basename(input)) # create a temporary CSV file which is identical to the input CSV file # but with the column names prefixed with the name of the compartment # (or `Image`, if this is an image CSV file, and `skip_table_prefix` is False) with open(input, "r") as fin, open(source, "w") as fout: reader = csv.reader(fin) writer = csv.writer(fout) headers = next(reader) if not skip_table_prefix: headers = [__format__(name, header) for header in headers] # The first column is `TableNumber`, which is the unique identifier for the image CSV headers = ["TableNumber"] + headers writer.writerow(headers) [writer.writerow([identifier] + row) for row in reader] # Now ingest the temp CSV file (with the modified column names) into the database backend # the rows of the CSV file are inserted into a table with name `name`. with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Suppress the following warning on Python 3: # # /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/odo/ DeprecationWarning: inspect.getargspec() is # deprecated, use inspect.signature() or inspect.getfullargspec() warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) engine = create_engine(output) con = engine.connect() df = pd.read_csv(source, index_col=0) df.to_sql(name=name, con=con, if_exists="append")
[docs]def checksum(pathname, buffer_size=65536): """ Generate a 32-bit unique identifier for a file. :param pathname: input file :param buffer_size: buffer size """ with open(pathname, "rb") as stream: result = zlib.crc32(bytes(0)) while True: buffer = if not buffer: break result = zlib.crc32(buffer, result) return result & 0xffffffff
[docs]def seed(source, target, config_file, skip_image_prefix=True): """ Read CSV files into a database backend. :param config_file: Configuration file. :param source: Directory containing subdirectories that contain CSV files. :param target: Connection string for the database. :param skip_image_prefix: True if the prefix of image table name should be excluded from the names of columns from per image table """ config_file = cytominer_database.utils.read_config(config_file) # list the subdirectories that contain CSV files directories = sorted(list(cytominer_database.utils.find_directories(source))) for directory in directories: # get the image CSV and the CSVs for each of the compartments try: compartments, image = cytominer_database.utils.validate_csv_set(config_file, directory) except IOError as e: click.echo(e) continue # get a unique identifier for the image CSV. This will later be used as the TableNumber column # the casting to int is to allow the database to be readable by CellProfiler Analyst, which # requires TableNumber to be an integer. identifier = checksum(image) name, _ = os.path.splitext(config_file["filenames"]["image"]) # ingest the image CSV try: into(input=image, output=target, name=name.capitalize(), identifier=identifier, skip_table_prefix=skip_image_prefix) except sqlalchemy.exc.DatabaseError as e: click.echo(e) continue # ingest the CSV for each compartment for compartment in compartments: name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(compartment)) into(input=compartment, output=target, name=name.capitalize(), identifier=identifier)